
Bank Clarity

Customer support agent

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As a technology business, ignoring the potential impact of AI/ LLM’s would be disastrous. However, we can be certain that whatever we do, it will be obsolete in short order given the pace of change and scale of investment in AI. We decided that we need to partner with experts to guide us through these changes over the long term, in order to be able to respond and adapt rapidly.

What is the use case?

Our first use-case (hopefully of many) was to find a way consolidate and maintain user and feature-related knowledge for our app in one place, easily interrogated for internal and external client support matters.

What is the positive impact to their business?

We understand that material impact will take time and investment, particularly in terms of training the agent and enhancing the use cases. Our goal is to extend the trained model to our clients for first-line support, which will materially reduce the time it takes for clients to find answers relating to use of the app. For now, the impact has been most marked in forcing us to consolidate our product knowledge with the agent and build meaningful trust between our team and the agent (who we call ‘Bruce’).

Why Clairo AI?

Microsoft wouldn’t return my calls for some reason. Joking aside, Clairo AI is perfectly placed to allow firms like BankClarity to be agnostic as to underlying models (becoming increasingly specialised), to continuously iterate and improve our use of Agents, and to act with confidence in relation to cost control, privacy and with absolute confidence that the training materials are entirely under our control. All of this aside, it is reassuring that the models themselves are very materially less impactful on the environment v the big LLM’s. Finally, I would never be able to build Clairo AI’s level of expertise in-house, and even if I did it would quickly become obsolete. I think the team have got this spot on, for those who need to respect data privacy, security and accuracy.