June 11, 2024

Crafting Custom AI Agents: the What, Why and Where for your Business

James Faure


What is an agent?

In the realm of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), an agent is a tailored model crafted and trained to execute a particular task with precision and effectiveness. Also known as virtual agents, or AI agents, they are valuable tools that leverage the power of artificial intelligence to automate tasks, enhance efficiency, and augment human capabilities in various domains.

Businesses are increasingly integrating AI agents into their tech stack and overall company infrastructure to address and automate a range of business needs. These can include enhancing customer interactions, unlocking insights from vast data sets, and addressing cyberthreats. AI agents have the added benefit of allowing users to customise output by tweaking the agent’s personality, tone, and conversational subtleties to their liking.

Clairo AI is at the forefront of empowering businesses across all sectors to craft custom AI agents with access to a wide range of both public and private large language models and customisability options.

What are some examples of agents?

Like with any business operation, the first crucial step to building an AI agent is defining its purpose. By identifying the area of the business where you intend to employ the agent and the business need it intends to address, you can ensure that it aligns with strategic objectives. Defining the purpose of your agent should serve as a defining principle for its lifecycle, from ideation and development, to deployment and optimisation. Examples include:

A customer service agent:

Agents are commonly adopted by businesses to optimise customer service operations. They can be meticulously designed to manage customer inquiries swiftly, offer immediate responses, and resolve typical issues. This innovation not only enhances customer satisfaction but also allows human agents to focus on more intricate and demanding assignments.

A productivity agent:

Businesses can use virtual agents as a digital assistant to streamline workflows, optimise time management and provide personalised recommendations to boost the productivity of individuals and teams.

A data analysis agent:

Businesses can create agents that are dedicated to processing vast amounts of data to extract valuable insights, trends, and patterns. This not only accelerates the data analysis process but also guarantees a higher degree of precision and reliability.

A cybersecurity agent:

An agent system can be designed to continuously monitor networks for suspicious activities, identify potential threats or breaches, and take proactive measures to defend against cyberattacks. This type of agent plays a crucial role in safeguarding digital assets and maintaining the security of organizations' IT infrastructure.

What constitutes an AI agent?

Building an agent is straightforward, however it is crucial to incorporate three main aspects to ensure that it meets your specific operational needs.

1. The dataset. The library of documents that the Agent gets its knowledge from.

2. The model. The Large Language Model (LLM) and its parameters that the Agent uses as its generation engine.

3. The prompt. The Agent’s instructions, personality, tone, and creativity.

By combining and optimising these three functions, businesses can leverage their tailor-made agents to address distinct needs. Let’s go into each aspect in more depth.

The dataset:

Data collection and preparation from relevant and quality sources will lay the groundwork for a high-quality and robust agent, ensuring that the output is accurate and free from bias.

The model:

It’s important to choose an LLM that suits your agent’s specific requirements. Firstly, based on the stringency of your company’s data privacy, you must decide if a private or a public LLM is more appropriate, which will narrow down your list of options. If a model is a public LLM, it is connected to Clairo AI platform using an API to a third-party service, such as OpenAI’s GPT-4-Turbo API. In the case of a public LLM, a company should be content with sending 

their data to another company’s model. From there, choose a specific model based on the capabilities of those available in the industry.

The prompt:

Defining the personality, tone and creativity of the agent will determine the overall output of your agent’s responses. On Clairo’s fully customisable platform, the different elements of the prompt include tone, instruction, and creativity.

Using Clairo AI to build your custom agent

Clairo’s platform hosts a wide range of open source models, from Meta’s Llama3-8B to Mistral AI’s Mixtral8x7B, allowing users to create powerful, customisable LLMs in their own self-hosted space. At Clairo, we are on a mission to provide users with detailed, bias-free responses, all while keeping their data secure and private.

AI Agents have a powerful future, promising transformative advancements across industries. They are a testament to the transformative potential of AI in reshaping the modern business landscape. Utilising the agents made available through Clairo AI’s platform, companies can boost productivity, address specific business needs, and generate data-driven insights.